Newton Biocapital Featured on Global University Venturing (GUV)
Join us in celebrating our feature in the latest Global University Venturing (GUV) article highlighting the diabetes spinouts landscape!
We are delighted that Newton Biocapital's efforts have been recognised in this insightful article. The article takes a deep dive into the world of university diabetes spinouts and highlights the important role played by our Senior Partner, Philippe De Backer, and his partners. Their passion for supporting diabetes startups is making waves.
As you read through, you'll also learn about AdipoPharma, one of a key players in Newton Biocapital’s portfolio - NBC2 - which is making progress in the treatment of insulin resistance. This INSERM spin-out recently completed a successful Series A financing round.
Dive into the article for an enriching perspective on diabetes innovation: https://globalventuring.com/university/diabetes-spinouts/
We're delighted to be part of the conversation and invite you to connect with us to stay updated on our journey!